Monday 10 November 2014

Mud Stuck

They encountered wet mud after walking for about an hour. It took up the entire width of the forest path.the guides told them to carefully tiptoe around the edges and cross over. The 1st two people took their time and reached dry ground without any incident. Impatient,the 4th in line,Remy, decided that she'll just tiptoe over the mud... it didnt look that wet. Surely it would hold her for three seconds?
She was never so mistaken in her life.
Without warning she stepped on the mud,and she swore she sank four inches deep on impact. Her entire team felll silent and she started to panic. Within seconds her brilliant white sneakers sank deep in the mud. She tried lifting her foot but she was stuck. She was never more embarrased.
While Remy's mind went blank, she failed to notice the boys trying to talk to her. She snapped back into reality,processed half of what she heard, followed instructions and in no time she was pulled to dry ground by numerous pairs of helping hands.
After heaving a sigh of relief,she looked down at her shoes and exclaimed "O my God! how am i going to wash this off?" Then she started giggling hysterically. Her friends looked at her weird, she knew it was neither the time nor the place,but she visualised her brother's thunderstruck expression after beholding the beautiful shoes and could'nt help but laugh. "Well",she thought,as the walk resumed,"now i will be able to take back home a bit of mangrove soil with me. "


Rosie looked at the mud ahead. Beside her,Remy had  already become tensed. She let Remy go first. This time also her shoes sank deep,but she crossed the wet mud patch without getting stuck or falling. Rosie tested the ground,and took a tentative step forward. People who had crossed over earlier encouraged her to move forward carefully. Her  dear annoying friend Alice at the end of the line was already complaining about holding up the line. Two steps she took fine,after the third step she realised that her foot had moved forward but her shoe was left behind in the mud. She realised it a few seconds later than her friends,and by that time her barefoot was already covered in sticky smelly mud. She let out a bark of laughter ,so strange this situation was. Her friends started teasing her and encouraging her at the same time.It took her a while to put back her dirty foot back into her shoe. She held onto the outstretched hands and made it to the safe  solid ground. Now the situation wasnt so funny anymore. But she laughed inwardly,thinking how she must have looked, moving forward with a shoe missing.she turned just in time to see Alice stumbling but managing to break her fall by supporting herself on her left hand. She looked up to see Rosie grinning at her.she grinned back and held up her left hand,covered with a deep layer of mud. "High five?" She asked,approaching Rosie. Rosie scooted away to safety and continued being mock threatened by Alice and her muddy hand. They looked at each other's respctive mud problems and burst out laughing.


  1. Hahaha! The incidents in this story are classic examples of the phrase, 'shit happens (and you should laugh it off)!'
    Very lighthearted and an enjoyable read! :)

  2. Trust me man , jokhn hochhilo tokhn puro matha kharap lagchilo.. pore amra e heshe goragori xD

  3. U know one day i slipped and landed on my bum :p shei mud stain tola ki chap !! :o
