Thursday 13 November 2014

River Song

The boy sang without restraint, his free unadulterated voice audible even in the midst of the constant humming of the motor boat. What a voice it was,powerful  melodious and hypnotising. The boat swayed a bit,unnoticed by everyone.The River was  stirring.
Do you know,dear boy,that the River can hear you? 
I call you a boy, because you are still a child in my eyes. You managed to capture my attention on this hot autumn afternoon while Nature was in a sweet, lazy slumber . how could i not awaken, dear boy? You are ,afterall, a part of the same Nature. And you are singing to me unawares. You are singing a River Song. I couldnt stay away.
I see you, your companions,and take note of the effect your song has not only on me, but those who surround you. The locals dont know your language, but they still listen to you in awe. Your friends, it seems to me, enjoy your melodious voice even as it goes up an octave before coming down to the regular pitch. You are young, but your voice tells me you have suffered hardships,and  also overcome them. It makes me proud,inspite of the fact that i do not know you.
I have seen enough of your people in my everflowing lifetime to know your stories with a single look. But this afternoon, i can only see the stories that your song brings forward in their minds.
Check-Shirt Girl ,with a half smile on her face , is taking a walk down memory lane, thinking of her mother and how she once sang the same River song to another River years ago.
Blue Shirt Boy is still trying to process your lyrics and maybe thinking a teensy bit about the little brother back home.
Oversized Hat Girl is already miles away,thinking of a different voice,accompanied by the memory of a certain pair of beautiful dark eyes and their infinite depths.
Black Tshirt Boy is feeling utterly peaceful, and to some extent sleepy in a good way, thinking of your song as a very beautiful lullaby. He couldnt remember the last time he felt this much peace in his hectic crazy life.
Maroon Shirt girl is so overwhelmed with emotion that love longing pain joy relief happiness everything jumbled up together is indistinctly flitting through her eyes. She fleetingly glances at her companion,a soft smile gracing her features. I dont know if she is sniffing because of cold.
Black and White Shirt Girl's eyes are getting unfocused and  glassy as she is thinking of all of you and how you all came to be where you now are. Like me ,she hears the twinge of pain in your vocals, but is very hopeful about the future.
Pink Top Girl has Love ,Pride and Understanding written all over. She is brimming with Happiness and Contentment. She truly sees you.
And you, little one , singing to me , are feeling blessed and emotional. and infinite. Just like me.
Your song is over, but the spell doesnt break. Nature will remember it this way.

Your song may be over, but it will live with the River.

Know this,The River doesnt forget.

Years later I may forget your face, but i wil not forget your tribute to me. Your River Song.

Monday 10 November 2014

Mud Stuck

They encountered wet mud after walking for about an hour. It took up the entire width of the forest path.the guides told them to carefully tiptoe around the edges and cross over. The 1st two people took their time and reached dry ground without any incident. Impatient,the 4th in line,Remy, decided that she'll just tiptoe over the mud... it didnt look that wet. Surely it would hold her for three seconds?
She was never so mistaken in her life.
Without warning she stepped on the mud,and she swore she sank four inches deep on impact. Her entire team felll silent and she started to panic. Within seconds her brilliant white sneakers sank deep in the mud. She tried lifting her foot but she was stuck. She was never more embarrased.
While Remy's mind went blank, she failed to notice the boys trying to talk to her. She snapped back into reality,processed half of what she heard, followed instructions and in no time she was pulled to dry ground by numerous pairs of helping hands.
After heaving a sigh of relief,she looked down at her shoes and exclaimed "O my God! how am i going to wash this off?" Then she started giggling hysterically. Her friends looked at her weird, she knew it was neither the time nor the place,but she visualised her brother's thunderstruck expression after beholding the beautiful shoes and could'nt help but laugh. "Well",she thought,as the walk resumed,"now i will be able to take back home a bit of mangrove soil with me. "


Rosie looked at the mud ahead. Beside her,Remy had  already become tensed. She let Remy go first. This time also her shoes sank deep,but she crossed the wet mud patch without getting stuck or falling. Rosie tested the ground,and took a tentative step forward. People who had crossed over earlier encouraged her to move forward carefully. Her  dear annoying friend Alice at the end of the line was already complaining about holding up the line. Two steps she took fine,after the third step she realised that her foot had moved forward but her shoe was left behind in the mud. She realised it a few seconds later than her friends,and by that time her barefoot was already covered in sticky smelly mud. She let out a bark of laughter ,so strange this situation was. Her friends started teasing her and encouraging her at the same time.It took her a while to put back her dirty foot back into her shoe. She held onto the outstretched hands and made it to the safe  solid ground. Now the situation wasnt so funny anymore. But she laughed inwardly,thinking how she must have looked, moving forward with a shoe missing.she turned just in time to see Alice stumbling but managing to break her fall by supporting herself on her left hand. She looked up to see Rosie grinning at her.she grinned back and held up her left hand,covered with a deep layer of mud. "High five?" She asked,approaching Rosie. Rosie scooted away to safety and continued being mock threatened by Alice and her muddy hand. They looked at each other's respctive mud problems and burst out laughing.


It took him 7 days of travelling in the boat to experience sea sickness and he was least expecting it. The underbelly of the boat was cold and like most days he sat on the deck with his friends and stared at the vast expanse of the sea . but today his eyes were  unfocussed,looking at nothing. He could feel his friends' fleeting stares in his direction. Everything seemed washed out, less colourful-blame the blazing sun! It actually hurt his eyes.the same 5 people sat with him today,yet 5 seemed too less in his eyes.  Mind addled with tiredness,he didnt give much thought to that feeling of incompleteness. Another few days under the sun on the boat,and he would surely lose his mind.
At noon, his best friend found him lying against the rucksacks piled on the deck,eyes closed.cap lowered to shield his eyes.. in no time the girls on the deck, Sona and Erilyn started fusing over him..he was too tired to acknowledge even this. By nature,he hated asking for help. Surely the nausea would soon pass!
Erilyn took one look at his face, gave him the required medicine,an quietly left the deck. He welomed her absence. The well meaning  girl was a bundle of energy which he couldnt deal with right at that time. And Sona wasnt a close friend. Surely he couldnt tell her he was feeling cold under the sun! She would kick start her Mother Hen duties like she always did. He closed his eyes again.
He didnt know how long his peace lasted. He could hear Erilyn's voice rising.And then he  felt it.
His eyes we still closed but he knew she was there.  He peeked from under his eyelids,and there she was, almost crawling up on the deck silently so as to not disturb him.he saw the way she looked his way, half worried,half relieved. Sona  must have seen it too,for she immediately patted her head and cleared the deck.Even after Sona and Erilyn moved away,She kept her distance ,like usual. He didnt mind. Too many prying eyes.
He kept looking at her,pretending to be asleep.She was unaware she was being watched. Her presence was enough for him. He swore everything wasnt so washed out and dull. And he wasnt that cold anymore. The medicine didnt do that now,did it?
Even from a distance ,Light was what she projected
and Warmth was what she provided.

Saturday 1 November 2014

FoOd -_-

As she waited for the bus, her stomach grumbled. in order to ignore the pangs of hunger, she turned up the volume of her mp3 player. she smiled,eyes unfocussed as one of her favourite instrumental music came up on the music shuffle, "The Reichenbach Ballad"  .
on the opposite end, she saw her girlfriends indulging in potato chips. she quickly turned her head, reminding herself Olestra was bad for health. but still...
Damned bus, never on time!
she needed to forget about her protesting stomach, and all the ill-timed gastric hormone secretions. She needed a slightly faster beat of music. keeping in line with her BBC Sherlock Music appreciation, she scrolled down her playlist and played the music piece titled "Lazarus" . it sort of helped. that music piece only reminded her of Adrenaline. pure adrenaline. she looked at her watch. 20 minutes till 1 p.m.
20 minutes till it would be 5 hours since breakfast
20 minutes more and then she could eat. Sugar free Biscuits.
that thought did not cheer her up one bit. whats taking the bus so long? 
Maybe she needs yo motivate herself once more by Watching/reading Hunger Games. 
15 minutes. 
Control was necessary. She didnt want another semester going by with her brother subtly teasing her about her desperate dieting attempt.
12 minutes.
The bus wasn't there and she was hungry to the point of madness. She had had enough. 
10 minutes. She marched to the nearest Kathleen outlet just 10 yards away and helped herself to a hot dog.  After she took the 1st bite did she  realise what she had done. she froze mid bite.
5 minutes. 
 She decided it was time for that "rebellious" discussion with her mother. She needed to understand that her daughter unlike her,couldn't sustain or function properly by eating two and a half meals everyday. 
She didn't care she cheated today. The Peppy number "Stag Night" from Season 3 soundtrack seemed to agree with her thought process. 
The bus still hadn't arrived.