Tuesday 6 November 2012

Little one

she was sitting in the corner..shaking slightly.from where i stood, i cudnt tell if she was shivering or...wait! she's crying? i didnt bother to call her or ask anything. i just dropped my book bag on the stairs and ran towards the balcony. she heard me, and looked up.
that look broke my heart.
i dont know what,why or who made her cry-i wanted to know, but her eyes were pleading,almost as if telling me silently not to ask the "whats" and "whys". so i didnt. i did the only thing to calm her sobs. i hugged her tightly.. and that did it.
she completely broke down.
she clung to me like a lifeline,screamed god knows at whom(or what),and i let her do what she wanted to.she needed the outlet.
she hugged me back,not wanting to let go,and i knew she was feeling insecure. again.
we stayed like that for minutes,or maybe hours. the explanations could wait. my little sister just needed support now,not a listener. i would wait.
she needed a friend. and i was rite there. her sometimes annoying,sometimes bossy "akka". all will be well soon.
"you will be okay little one. i am here."
she looked up,and finally smiled..
the clouds were gone, and the sun was coming out again. it always does.


  1. I love the end. The optimism is awsome! U have retained ur style :)
